Paper Title
Mother's Motivation and Belief in Exclusive Breastfeeding in Bontobangun Village

Data coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Bontobangun Village in 2018 for ages 0 to 6 months is 24.3%, this coverage is still very far from the national standard of 80%. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding cannot be separated from several factors that influence and some of these factors are the motivation and confidence of breastfeeding mothers to provide exclusive breastfeeding to their babies. The purpose of this study is to explore the increased motivation and confidence of mothers in breastfeeding their babies in Bontobangun Village. This research was conducted in the Bontobangun Village, Rilau Ale District, Bulukumba Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected from January to March 2019 with in-depth interviews and observation techniques. Data analysis uses content analysis. The selection of informants using purposive sampling technique. There were 18 informants, consisting of 10 young mothers, 4 mothers who gave birth to a second child and 4 mothers who gave birth to a third child. This study shows that all groups of mothers understand the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding to infants and the impact of formula feeding. For mothers who still maintain exclusive breastfeeding for their babies because they want to provide the best food and nutrition to their babies and do not want their babies to get sick. For mothers who give breast milk and formula milk because they feel that breast milk is given is not enough so formula milk is needed because the baby always feels hungry, while mothers who do not give breast milk at all because mothers think breast milk does not come out and can hamper the mother's routine in working. Keywords - Motivation, Belief, Exclusive ASI, Bontobangun Village