Paper Title
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime: Why the Polysemantic Nature of Regulations Let Prosecutors Fit the Crime

The rationalist view and the sociolegal view comprise the universe of possibilities that explain social control agents’ behavior. The socio-legal view promotes collaborative governance in that it allows the social control agent the ability to promote joint activities across spheres. In this paper we utilize the triangulation methodology. We apply extant legal data to demonstrate the relationship between polysemantic regulatory statutes, or statutes that have many interpretations that can be exploited by the social control agent, and conviction rates within the U.S. legal system in 2001. Moreover, we generate qualitative data through a survey and interviews to support hypotheses that are difficult to demonstrate quantitatively. Our research has vast applications to many spheres, beyond that of law and sociology. Keywords - Crime, Law, Polysematic, Triangulation