Paper Title
Music Computer Technologies and Studying, Preservation and Transmission of Musical Folklore

The article analyzes the problems of collecting and processing folklore materials, considers contemporary information resources and technologies as a means of preserving and transmitting musical folklore. The Far East is noted as a unique ethnic region, on the territory of which carriers of completely different traditional cultures live. It is noted that traditional folklore is rapidly disappearing, native speakers of languages and culture are passing away. The inevitability of the introduction of information technologies in the musical environment, the prospects of music computer technologies (MCT) as an instrument of developing, transmitting and preserving of musical culture is recognized. The problems of the disappearance of traditional cultures are considered from the position of the need for the early introduction of the MCT in the practice of researchers of musical folklore. The authors mark the necessity of collection of unique samples of traditional musical creative work, study and comprehension of the most valuable collected materials, work on decoding of musical samples. The author comes to the conclusion about the possibility of MCT to play a significant role in developing, transmitting and preserving musical culture of the Russian Far East, as well as the preserving, developing and promoting the traditional cultural heritage of multinational Russia. Keywords - Music Computer Technologies, Musical Culture of the Russian Far East, Intercultural Communication, Transmitting of Musical Culture.