Paper Title
Achieving Effective Global Environmental Governance Through Human Rights-Base Approach and Effective Public Participation

The ever-growing threatening waves of global environmental challenges have made it appear as if the mechanisms put in place towards global environmental governance are yielding little or no positive outcome. Numerous international legal and policy frameworks have been put in place in the form of treaties and convention which approaches are directed towards ensuring healthy environment both for the present and future generations. This article observes that the key players in the global environmental governance are the traditional states acting as the main targeted subjects of international obligation. It has also been observed that while successes have been recorded through the participation of non state actors, it is suggested that more need to be done. This work argues that to achieve effective global environmental governance, there is need for a human rights compliant mechanism, and public participatory scheme towards global environmental governance which is rooted in substantive and procedural rights jurisprudence. Keywords - Environmental governance, Environmental Protection, Human Rights, Public Participation.