Paper Title
Tropical Field Assessment on Pests for Misai Kucing Cultivation Under Agrivoltaics Farming System

Herbal plants have a good potential of virtually untapped reservoir of bioactive chemical compounds with many potential application in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Currently, photovoltaic (PV) project landscapes are transformed into a new transdisciplinary design of land used and extended to ecological performances and beneficial impacts to the surrounding. Malaysia has been actively promoting the adaptation of PV technology as an alternative energy mix with agri-based activities. Agrivoltaics concept combines the PV technology adaptation with crops plantation with respect to the space and wiring constraints. Nevertheless, there is limited study on the potential risk of pests which would evolve under the agrivoltaics condition. This study provides some insights of tropical field assessments of potential pests attacking Misai Kucing herbal crops under PV array structure especially during the monsoon season. It is observed that a few species of pests emerged due to the wet and humid condition despite the dissipated heat during energy conversion. High humidity levels due to water evaporation process with PV shading features provide a good attraction for pests which increases the risk of attack to Misai Kucing plants. Keywords - Agrivoltaics, Pests, Tropical Climate, Dissipated heat, Ground mounted PV