Paper Title
Quality Metric Design using Internal Control for Controlling the Quality of E-Learning Project at University X

University X is a private university that is developing an e-learning based system. This project is divided into 4 major programs: digital content development, development of production studios, development of information technology infrastructure and upgrading of lecturer competencies. Project success indicators can be seen from the components of the project constraint, one of which is quality. This project is at risk of experiencing a project quality failure, because this project didn’t have a quality plan document in the planning phase. Therefore, it takes a tool in the form of a master plan project to ensure the quality of the project. Designing quality metrics is done using the internal control method. The existence of quality metrics in the planning phase can be used as a tool to manage quality on a project, with an internal control method that contains details about how to avoid common mistakes and as an effective training tool for workers. The internal control method helps the project manager (owner and vendor) to determine possible errors, critical success criteria and resources for each critical activity in the project Then the implementation of the critical success criteria will be carried out at the quality metrics and making treatment of critical activities in the project. Obtained 42 results from 66 equivalent 64% success criterion statement has been applied. While the critical success criteria of 15 out of 24 equivalent 62% have been implemented, this is one of the causes of the project quality failure. Keywords - E-learning, Proyek, Quality Metric, Internal Control, Control Quality.