Paper Title
Entrepreneurial University and Sustainable Development

Sustainable development basically brings to mind thinking about the future, in which it takes environmental, social, and economic considerations in order to lead to a balanced state of human life. This is the concept of sustainable development in a new mode. Universities can play an important role in this regard. Academic missions can be the basis for sustainable development if all its activities are tied to entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial university is a university affecting environmental, social and economic systems, and pledges to sustain production and consumption. The present study aims to provide indicators for drawing the map of the entrepreneur university in line with sustainable development in Iran. Analysis of interviews via the theme analysis technique illustrated that the most important entrepreneur indicators that can be considered for universities so that they can lead to sustainable development in Iranian society include entrepreneurship education and research, entrepreneurial structure, entrepreneurial human and financial management resources. Keywords - Entrepreneur University, Entrepreneurial Structure, Entrepreneurial Human and Financial Management Resources