Paper Title
Some Rhetoric Techniques in Proverbs of Arabic

Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran, and it occupies a special position among Muslims. The Holy Quran and other high level literature show the fluency and rhetorical techniques in it’s embodiment. So, any Arab or even any Muslim can not do without this language in worship and communications. In this paper we would like to shed a light on some techniques that they are used in Arabic high level language, such as The Quran- the Holy book of Islam, Belles Litters writings (prose and poetry), in Classic Arabic and in Modern Arabic. We will discuss some examples of High level Arabic which contain the Rhetoric techniques, and try to show the indications of the use of them. Those techniques include Analogy, Metaphor, Euphemism, Antonomasia, Assonance and Paronomasia. Proverbs are wise sayings that give advice about life. They are the some kind of expression of wisdom. Proverbs are culturally specific, yet their meaning has the universality; everyone can relate to them in some way and on some level. There is a proverb for almost any situation. Proverb also are expresses a truth based on common sense or experience, It describes a basic rule of conduct. So, Arabic proverbs will be put in the core of this paper since the Arab world is known for their love and excessive use of proverbs, and for the fact that they have a central position in the Arabic culture and traditions, and in the daily life expressions. Preverbs are known for their deep dependence on Rhetoric Techniques they are mentioned above, so they can be a good way to explore the social and the cultural reflections that they come away through the usage of the Rhetoric techniques. Keywords - Arabic Literature, Rhetoric, Quran, Islam.