Paper Title
New Benchmark Density Values of Seawater

The density of pure water is 1 g/cm3 at a given temperature Should salts be dissolved in the water, and the volume remains reasonably constant, the density of the solution should markedly increase from 1 g/cm3 .Many values can be used to calculate all the thermodynamic properties of seawater in the major oceans using a lot of method .Density changes with temperature because volume changes with temperature. But how can it be changed if the salinity change from one level to another, the answer to this question was the goal of this work, where we present a reference table for the density values as a function of the variation of the salinity is given by a step equal to 0.2, for: s = 0 to s = 40, for T=20°C and Pressure P =2000 dbar. The Density correlation used in this package is based to the newton interpolation method. This data was correlated with an average absolute percentage deviation between measurements and the correlation with a very acceptable rate. Keywords - Benchmark density values, Density of seawater, Fluid properties, water.