Paper Title
When Does Athletic Identity Promote Career Development: A Role Boundary Perspective

Athletic identity is a critical factor for athletic career development. Building on recent evidence and theory, we reason that athletic identity would positively relate to career development in youth athlete population and boundary management preference will strength such a positive effect. For this purpose, we designed two studies to examine the hypothesis. Study 1 (N = 228) recruited athletes from Taiwanese college and study 2 (N = 197) recruited athletes from NCAA through MTurk. Participants completed a set of questionnaire. It was found that athletic identity positive related to career development across a variety of cultural populations (study 1 and 2). Study 2 also found that athletes with higher levels of athletic identity exhibited increased proactive career behaviors and clear future self when they had higher levels of integrating role boundary, supported our expectations. The implications and applications are discussed in terms of dual career. Keywords - Boundary theory, Dual career, Athlete Development