Paper Title
Barriers Affecting the Adoption of E-Government in Developing Countries

It is not arguable that the advent of information and communication technologies (ICT) has changed the world positively, the private sector has experienced a total turn around all thanks to ICT. The effectiveness and efficiency of ICT have brought about its adoption by first world nations also refers to as the developed countries as a means of governance. It has become a norm for government worldwide to shift focus onto ICT for better governance, ensure transparency and provide a more productive and better service to her citizens. This paper focuses on some of the barriers and limitations these developing countries are faced with and why some of these countries are slow in adopting E-Government to render governmental services to its citizens and if the citizens are willing and whether they are well equipped with the technical know how to use E-government Services if Integrated. This research also focuses on how e-government can help cut down corruption, improves transparency and accountability in government and just generally explore different variables influencing the effective adoption of e-governance and propose planned arrangements that will aid beating this challenges for future implementation. Keywords - E-Government, Developing Countries, Corruption, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)