Paper Title
How Can M.A. Students Write their theses Literature Review Section Effectively?

The study tries to investigatehow M.A. students can write their theses literature review section effectively. To achieve this goal, we applied Akindele’s (2008) guideline to analyze each student’s literature review section. Two raters who got PhD and supervised M.A. students were trained on using the guideline. After analyzing all selected literature reviews, the raters conducted interviews to provide additional evidence on how students can write their literature reviews effectively. The results indicate that focusing on summarizing of each work is not sufficient for writing an effective literature review. Other factors such as linking the purpose of study, awareness of different views, relationship of each work with other research, resolving conflicts among research, and filling gaps in previous study should be considered in students’ writing, too. The findings of the interview show that in writing literature review,students can synthesize and explain the previous studies if they have enough time and sufficient knowledge on implanting a critical view. The results may assist researchers particularly those who are willing to enhance students’ writing. Keywords - Writing, Thesis, Literature Review