Paper Title
A Discussion of University Service Blueprints

This paper discusses the service blueprint concept and its applicability for graduate students in IT-related subjects, attending a mid-sized,Swedish university. A previous study used a multidimensional (countries, subjects, and study levels) app¬roach for exploring service blueprints in a universitysetting.Compared with earlier findings, a greater focus on the visuali¬zation of processes in inter action(withfaculty andstaff) and aca¬demic role models wasseen important for the students, as were early presentations of research resources, e.g. laboratories, the library, and current research (not really a “service”). Results are discussed in relation to other studies targeting the tertiary edu¬cation sector, and where different techniques are used. Keywords - Service Blueprint, University, Graduate Level Students, Information Technology, Sweden, Recruitment, Staff Interaction.