Paper Title
Congenital Anomalies in Neonates and Associated Risk Factors in Agadir Region of Morocco

The aim of this study was to establish the profile of major congenital malformations among live births at Hassan II hospital, in Agadir city of Morocco and to study maternal and perinatal risk factors. This study was conducted in department of pediatrics at Hassan II hospital in Agadir city. From Avril 2016 to avril 2017, data on 1010 new births were collected. The type of birth defects was classified by the diagnostic standardization of CM from the international classification of disease (ICD-10) codes. Diagnosis of congenital anomalies was based on clinical evaluation of newborn babies by the pediatrician and other appropriate investigations such as radiography, ultrasonography, echocardiography etc. Relevant information regarding maternal age, gestational age, gender, prematurity, mulitiparity, infectious diseases, birth weight, birth order, consanguinity, etc was registered. With regard to pattern of congenital anomalies in the study, the most common system involved was nervous system (30.86 %), followed by osteo articular system and muscles (19.75 %), digestive system (8.64%), cardiovascular system (7.41%), genitourinary (6.17%), skin (1.23%) and chromosomal abnormalities (7.41 %). Prevalence of CM were significantly more prevalent (OR = 3.08, 95% CI = 1.92 to 4.94) among consanguineous babies when compared with the non consanguineous babies (P < 0.0001). Congenital malformations at birth was significantly higher (OR = 4.98, 95 % CI = 3.12 to 7.93) (P < 0.0001) among the women in the age group ≥35 years when compared to those bellow 35 years. The was also significantly associated with congenital anomaly and mulitiparity (P = 0.017) and socio-economic level (P = 0.016). There was no statistically significant noted for prematurity (P = 0.06), infectious diseases (P = 0.019) and gender (P = 0.054).