Paper Title
Literature Review On The Effects Of Concrete Bleeding On The Crack Resistance Of Concrete Structures

The main objective of this research paper is to review the effects of concrete bleeding on the crack resistance of concrete structures by assessing the concept of concrete bleeding, its impacts on the concrete structures, and how the bleeding process affects the various properties of the structure. Concrete bleeding occurs when the elements with different densities used in making the concrete settle at the bottom leaving water layer at the top or seep over the surface of the concrete structure. Some of the negative effects of concrete bleeding in the concrete structure include making the mixture harder to pump, poor bonding between layers of concrete poured, and results in prolonged construction. Majority of these researchers only focuses on the effects of bleeding on plastic concrete while failing to review the other types of concrete such as precast concrete, high-density concrete, reinforced concrete, plain concrete, lightweight concrete, and normal strength concrete. Index Terms - Concrete bleeding compressive strength, GGBS,Corrosion on reinforcements.