Paper Title
Renewing Collaborative Learning Through A Diffractive Methodology: A Conceptual Framework

Competition for limited resources (such as access to land, employment, food sources)have placed societies the world over under tremendous pressure. This is especially true for South African society, as is the case in most global South countries. Urban Planning is positioned as a profession that can respond to such pressures in a meaningful manner, provided that Urban Planners are competent in harnessing relevant professional value attributes. One such value attribute is collaboration. Collaboration is a threshold concept in Urban Planning and thus a threshold ability for Urban Planning students. Collaborative learning creates an opportunity to develop collaboration as a value attribute in the young professional planner. Drawing on a post humanist ontology, this paper proposesa conceptual framework, developed through a diffractive reading of theory. The conceptual framework couldassistwith comprehension and engagement witha renewed awareness of collaboration learning and collaborative planning. Keywords - Collaborative Learning, Diffraction, Higher Education, Value Attribute, Urban Planning