Paper Title
Study of Transgenic Techniques in Vegetable Crops

Genetically modified crop or transgenic crop enable breeder to bring favorable genes into elite cultivars and offer unique opportunities for controlling insects and other pathogens. FLAVR SAVR tomato was developed through the use of antisense RNA to regulate the expression of the enzyme polygalaturonase in ripening tomato fruit. Antifreeze proteins in the blood of some polar fishes have been shown to inhibit ice recrystallization at low concentrations. The afa3 antifreeze gene was expressed at high steady-state mRNA levels in leaves from transformed plants. Amount of Bt protein was present in all transgenic lines and plants expressing Cry2Ab could be used for management of the target lepidopteran insect pests. AmA1 coding sequence was successfully introduced and expressed in potato tuber in constitutive manner. It was found that production and growth of tubers was increased, as well as protein content with an increase in most essential amino acids. Recently, a purple tomato highly enriched with anthocyanin was produced by the ectopic expression of two selected transcription factors from the ornamental flower snapdragon. In addition to being enriched with anthocyanin, these fruits also prolonged the life of cancer-susceptible mice, they have additional health-promoting effects. Transgenic crops basically improving production stability, nutritional benefits, reduce environmental impacts and increase the availability of pharmaceuticals and vaccines.