Paper Title
The Efficacy of The Petroleum Governance Function in Enhancing Household LIVELI Hood in Uganda

The study examined the relationship between governance in the petroleum sector and household livelihood in Uganda. The study was premised on the following research objectives: to examine the relationship between accountability in petroleum sector and household livelihood in Uganda; to examine the relationship between transparency in petroleum sector and household livelihood in Uganda; and to examine the relationship between local community participation in petroleum sector and household livelihood in Uganda. The study adopted a cross-sectional design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. In this study, a total number of 118 respondents were expected but 102 respondents returned the survey instruments, representing a response rate of 86.4%. In total four interviews of the five that were expected to be carried out were conducted, representing 80%. The data was collected using questionnaires and interviews; and analysis was done using Pearson correlation coefficient. Qualitative analysis was done using content and thematic analysis. The government should embark on developing a proactive information dissemination strategy that addresses the information needs of people at community level. Information gaps on critical issues in the oil and gas sector seem to be apparent; the current communication strategy needs to focus on these, as raised by the various stakeholders in this report.