Paper Title
Visual Search Pattern of Radiographic Image Interpretation by Radiographers

The objective of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity in visual search for radiographic image interpretation by radiographers. A cross-sectional study using random sampling was done on 49 radiographers from a medical centre comprising of junior and senior radiographers. Visual search pattern of each participant was monitored using a Tobii TX300 Eye Tracker and images were viewed on the thin-film transistor monitor. As the red dot system only includes musculoskeletal radiographic image 19 images were chosen from the website. The gaze plot, fixation count and duration were compared between the two groups of radiographers. The result from this study showed no significant difference in terms of sensitivity and specificity with p value of 0.818 and 0.146 respectively. As for visual search pattern, only two images had significant difference in term of fixation count (image1, p value = 0.017; image 2, p value = 0.042) and two image in fixation duration (image 1, p value = 0.001; image 15, p value = 0.021). The gaze plot was not different forunstructured pattern and less coverage. In conclusion, the experience didn’t give influence in the radiographic image interpretation. In conclusion, knowledge and practice are the main contributory factors in the visual search pattern and radiographic interpretation. Index terms - Eye Tracker; Visual Search Pattern; Radiographicc Image Interpretation; Radiographers