Paper Title
A Cross-Sectional Study on the Prevalence and Factors Related to Anxiety Among Pregnant Women in North-Eastern Province of Thailand

Abstract - Background: Anxiety during pregnancy is globally prevalent with approximately twenty percent and several factors have been associated with anxiety. However, it has rarely been addressed in Thailand. This study was aimed to investigate factors related to anxiety among pregnant women in a north-eastern province of Thailand.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 111 pregnant women in a north-eastern province in Thailand. Two-stage randomization was performed. Apart from the hospital anxiety and depression scale was used and anxiety score with the cut-off score 11 identified having anxiety. Socio-demographic characteristics, reinforcing factors and social support were measured in relation to anxiety. Descriptive statistics were performed. Inferential statistics (Chi-square and Fishers exact test) were used at a 0.05 significant level.Results: Almost all of participants lived with their husband and half of them lived in an extended family. Half of the participants graduated from a secondary school or less, one-fourth of them aged 25-29 years old and half of them were primiparous. The study showed that the prevalence rate of anxiety among participants was 36%. Inferential analysis showed that age, number of pregnancy, having an underlying disease, workplace, transportation to hospitals, and social support from peers, colleagues and healthcare providers were statistically related to anxiety (p.05). Conclusions: Socio-demographic characteristics, reinforcing factors and social support are associated with anxiety among Thai pregnant women in a north-eastern province. Pregnant women in high-risk groups should be identified and mental health should be promoted during the antenatal care period by healthcare providers..