Paper Title
Analysis of Electromyogram of Adductor Longus Muscle during Pillow-Squeezeand Bridge Movement of Pilates

The objective of this research is to find out the Impact of Pillow Squeeze and Bridge movement of Pilates on the electromyogram of Adductor longus muscle. The method was conducted to analyze the electromyogram on adductor longus of 16 adult women and men who live in J city. For the analysis of the electromyogram of adductor longus, this research used Tringo Wireless EMG System of DELSYS corporation, and found out the maximum value of RMS using RMS method. This measured data was calculated to draw the maximum value of EMG of adductor longus of each movement using SPSS 1.2 statistics program and was analysed using One-Way ANOVA to figure out the differences between EMG maximum values. This research could conclude with these results conducting Pairwise Comparisons to verify the differences among 4 selected movements. First, There was no statistically relevant result on the maximum value of level of activation of adductor longus between movement 1 and movement 4. Second, There was no statistically relevant result on the maximum value of level of activation of adductor longus between movement 2 and movement 3. Third, The levels of activation of movement 1 and movement 4 were higher than those of movement 2 and movement 3. As a result of this experiment, Pillow Squeeze and Bridge movement of Pilates made a lot of role in activation of muscles of adductor longus, and Pillow Squeeze applied movement with posture of leg lifting was especially effective to activation of muscles. This can give us an insight that we would reach a better conclusion on effect to the body of Pilates movements if we experiment more muscles with these Pillow Squeese and Bridge movement in the next reseach. Key Words - Pilates, Adductor longus, Adductor, Pillow squeeze, Bridge