Paper Title
The Development Possibilities of Associative forms at the Level of Agriculture in Galati County

The influence of climate change on Romanian agriculture involves the organization of a viable irrigation system that can reduce the manifested losses. At present, the irrigation system covers only 12% of the total agricultural area. To benefit from irrigation, Romanian farmers must be members of the Organization of Water Users for Irrigation (OUAI) in the area where they own the land or sign seasonal contracts. During the current study, a questionnaire addressed to OUAIs in Galati county was conducted with a view of identifying whether the membership of an OUAI has developed the creation of relationships that have led to association not only for irrigation but also for agricultural activities. In the context of land fragmentation in conjunction with the support of national and European programs for the association and development of irrigation infrastructure, an analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire was carried out using the "fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) method". The results of the study are important because they lay the foundations for the development of the associative forms at the level of the Romanian agriculture.