Paper Title
Challenges to Implement Distributed Leadership in Socio-Educational Contexts

According to Carson, Tesluk&Marrone (2007),distributed leadership influences and configures individuals, organizations, processes and results at the same time. Therefore, particularly in socio-educational settings, we will not only understand leadership based on personal qualities and capacities, but also grounded on the qualities and capacities of the group. For this reason, among the fundamental principles in the exercise of leadership, we will give particular importance to the creation of a shared vision of the future, supported by the diverse capabilities of a group of actors (microleaderships) that proactively seeks the progress and constant improvement within a learning organization. To implement this distributed leadership in socio-educational contexts, three factors must be taken into account: motivation, training and organization. Finally we point out to some difficulties we encountered in four studies dealing with different educational contexts that help to explain the reluctance to take part in community matters and shared leadership. Keywords - Distributed leadership, socio-educational environments, education, school, participation