Paper Title
The Relationships Between Insight, Subjective Happiness And Relationship Satisfaction

Insight is considered an important therapeutic goal in most theoretical approaches (AkdoğanveTürküm, 2014; Corey, 1996; Murdock, 2013) as it is thoughtto be closely associated with one’s happiness. On the other hand, there is not much empirical evidence suggesting that this is actually the case in reality because from the Existentialist perspectives, insight involves having an awareness as to the meaninglessness of life and loneliness and helplessness of one’s self as an individual (May and Yalom, 2005, Frankl, 1984), suggesting that insight can also result in unhappiness. Thus, the first aim of this study was to reveal the true nature of the relationship between insight and happiness. Also, literature consistently suggests that there is a positive relationship between happiness and relationship satisfaction, making it interesting to investigate if there is a relationship between insight and relationship satisfaction. Thus, a hierarchical regression analysis wasconducted with 188 university students (131 female and 57 male) who were from different faculties and departments of Anadolu University in Turkey. The results of the correlation analysis showed that subjective happiness had meaningful relationships with the two of the three sub-dimentions of the insight scale (AkdoğanveTürküm, 2018); which are holistic view (HV, r=.17) and self-acceptance (SA, r=.31). On the other hand, it had a non-significant relationship withself-understanding (SU; r = 0,09). The hierarchical regression analysis showed that only one of the three sub-dimensions of insight, which isSA, has a meaningful predictive power on subjectivehappiness, which hasexplained the 10% of the total variance(R²= 0,10; p<.001). When the relationship satisfaction was added in the second step of the analysis the total variance explained has increased to 15% (R² = 0.15; p <.001) as relationship satisfaction has contributed 5% to the explained variance (ΔR² = 0.05, p <.001). The results of the study were discussed in light of the literature. Keywords - Insight, SubjectiveHappiness, RelationshipSatisfaction