Paper Title
Automated Street Lighting System for Energy Conservation

Automatic Street Lighting is a simple and efficient idea, which uses LDR sensor to operate. By using this concept, efficiency is increased, energy is conserved and human work is reduced. LDR sensor senses the light actually like our eyes and processes the functioning of the street LED lamps. LDR sensor switches off the street lamp whenever the light on the road becomes sufficient without risking any human life. By using this system energy consumption is also reduced because nowadays, the manually operated street lights are not switched off even when there is sufficient sunlight. In this project, less manual functioning is needed. In this we are using Relay Driver Modules to detect the intensity of sunlight and for switching the street light on and off. The system uses NodeMcu ESP8266 for wireless connectivity and Arduino board for controlling the entire system. It also collects data about the usage of street lamps and sends it to the cloud for storage and analysis. In this system the intensity of street lamp can also be controlled and improper functioning can also be monitored while sitting far away from the lamp. With the help of this system, accidents due to improper lighting and energy consumption can be reduced to minimum rate. Keywords - Light Dependent Resister, ESP8266, Light Emitting Diode, Relay Driver Module, Arduino Uno