Paper Title
Recent Development Travel and Tourism in Mongolia

Nowadays, the travel and tourism division stays in the especially, limelight because of the economic benefits that it provides to the state. Therefore, it is observed that an important part of the literature research on travel and tourism is related to the economic parts of travel and tourism. Mongolia, which has a very large potential for travel and tourism, has tried to evaluate these values as much as possible and has given place to travel and tourism in the development plans. In this research, have been researched effects of travel and tourism division on the economy of Mongolia since independence in 1991. Share of travel and tourism in total fixed capital, projects which are encouraged in the travel and tourism division, foreign investments in travel and tourism, the ratio of travel and tourism expenses to expense on imports, however of travel and tourism revenues to gross domestic product (GDP), basic economic effect of travel and tourism revenue and expense balance are considered under the range of research. Keywords - Travel, Tourism, Economic, Development, Mongolia.