Paper Title
Credibility and Legitimacy Standards for Ai Realms In International Law – An Ihrl Approach

Legitimacy and credibility have been consonant and synonymous in considerable activity and representation in case of technological components and their legal instrumentations duly considered. With the unprecedented rise of AI realms and their private international recognition, there exists a paucity of discovery over the applied responsibility of the relevant cogence that international law must permissively attain from it. Its subsidiary, international human rights law – considers the recognized evolution of human interaction and precedented relevance in the realms of human approach and their arisen dimensions. The AI models can be better conceptualized if we revisit and formulate considerations for it with IHRL as the concept of civil liberty and state responsibility, making up IHRL was based on the English origins of tort law. Since, Artificial Intelligence has begun into an evolved and possessive structure of reception of human cognition and interests and it is becoming a utilitarian development in the demographic and geopolitical anticipation of perception and self-determination as observable in the case of a political reception and manipulation as observed in the case of Cambridge Analytica and Facebook and the monopolistic policies of cyber institutions via a pursuit of machine learning initiatives puts the legal cyber instrumentations into a role to play, where however, the natural prerogative of data and AI realms with respect to the self-determination of humans is not settled. This paper concludes to introduce the legal implications that an AI realm may pursue to adopt and certain credibility and legitimacy standards, which can be neutral and conserved for a free and fair use of Artificial Intelligence in pursuance of IHRL for international law. Index Terms— Artificial Intelligence, International Law, International Legitimacy, International Human Rights Law.