Paper Title
Sleep Quality Mediates The Relationship Between Work-Family Conflicts and The Self-Perceived Health Status Among Hospital Nurses

Aims:To examine the effects of work-family conflicts (WFCs) and sleep quality on the self-perceived health status (SHS) and the mediating effect of sleep quality on those relationships among hospital nurses. Background: Although nurses’ WFCs, sleep quality, and health status are noteworthy human resource management issues in hospitals, studies related to these variables are limited. Methods: This cross-sectional correlational study was conducted by surveying 575 hospital nurses in Taiwan. Data were collected using the Work-family Conflicts Scale, the Chinese Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Chinese Health Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, Chi-square tests, multivariate linear regression analyses, and the Sobel test. Results: Among nurses in this study, 56% reported having good health. Significantly more nurses with good sleep reported good health than those with poor sleep (84.2% vs. 44.9%, p<0.0001). The difference in overall WFC scores between the good-health group and poor-health group was significant (37.312.7 vs. 46.314.3, p<0.0001). The correlation between overall WFCs and the SHS was indirect, and sleep quality was a mediator (Sobel test: 5.007, p<0.001) Conclusions and Implications for Nursing Management:WFCs and poor sleep quality of hospital nurses were associated with poor health. Shift work influences the sleep quality which mediates the correlation between WFCs and their SHS. Hospital administrators should be aware of these stressful factors and schedule shifts and care for the sleep quality of nurses, and thus WFCs can be minimized, and the health of hospital nurses can be better promoted. Keywords- health status, nurses, sleep quality, work-family conflicts