Paper Title
Quality Assurance Information System Modeling for ISO-Certified Higher Education

The purpose of this research is to develop a model of the quality assurance information system for ISO-Certified higher education by integrating Accreditation of BAN-PT and ISO 9001: 2008. ISO 9001: 2008 is a standard for quality management systems and Accreditation of BAN-PT is one of the activities that lift up higher education through the upgrading of programs and academic performance. Problems will arise when ISO certified higher education institutions will build a quality assurance information system model by integrating ISO 9001: 2008 and BAN-PT accreditation. Furthermore, in developing the information system model used in this research is Enterprise Knowledge Development-Change Management Method. The result of this research, we present a modeling of quality assurance information system for ISO-certified higher education. Thus, this information system model would be an extremely useful tool for ISO-certified higher education that plan to implement Accreditation of BAN-PT. Index Terms - Accreditation of BAN-PT, Information System Modeling, ISO 9001:2008, Quality Assurance