Paper Title
Unholy Alignment and Intrastate Wars and Conflicts: Explaining African Civil Wars and Conflicts

There are so many civil conflicts and wars on the African continent. Several theories have been used to explain the causes of these conflicts and wars in order to find lasting solutions. In this paper I suggest there a very important phenomenon that has been overlooked: the role of unholy alignment which I explained that a situation when a state grants an unnatural and undesirable support to the activities of rebel movements in another country. This support strengthens the hands of the rebels and causes a survival fear in the home government of the rebels. Rebels’ inherent confidence of strength and the government survival fear causes and increases attacks and counter-attacks aiming respectively to overthrown government or crash rebels. This phenomenon is reciprocated in the home of the country that initiated the first support leading to civil wars. Keywords - Africa, Civil War/Conflict, Unholy Alignment, Authoritarian State, Insurgent, Sudan, Chad, Uganda