Paper Title
A Investigation of Self-Efficacy, Trust and Intention Among Science Volunteers in Taiwan

In recent years, public participation in shared scientific activities and science understanding has continued to grow. The studies of volunteerism have investigated various self-efficacy and their effect on intention, while by far, there is no research conducted on the scale development of volunteers’ self-efficacy, trust and intention in related to Science Volunteer Service. To explore volunteers’ perspectives on involving science services, this study investigates the relationship between volunteers’ self-efficacy, trust and intention toward science. The sample of this study included 216 participants, coming from the project for science volunteers of ministry of science and technology in Taiwan. The result shows self-efficacy a prime focus for volunteers who want to enhance their intention and engagement in science. In addition, this study indicated that trust has a significant impact on the intention to participate science services. According to the findings, science volunteers’ intention was influenced by self-efficacy and their perceived trust. Practical implications and future research directions of science volunteerism engagement are also discussed. Keywords - Self-efficacy, trust, intention, science volunteers