Paper Title
Recostruction Of Daily Activities In The Area Of Ex-Prostitution Dolly To Business Areas Based On Local Wisdom

Dolly area in the city of Surabaya was once famous as the largest prostitution spot in Southeast Asia, now appear different and changing face. There is no longer as sex tourism destination and night entertainment center, the workers who do "night business" have switched professions. With Dolly's prostitution closing, bringing a huge impact on its society. It is not easy to change the mindset of local people to change the way to earn money by doing business activities during the day because before prostitution develops they already have a business day but are invincible with the advancement of the night business in the ex-prostitution area. So it is necessary to reconstruct methods by: first doing social change by restoring the local wisdom that they once had where there is positive activity and restoring normal social life. The hope is with the participation and public awareness that they can get a better life and a good economy even though Dolly is already closed. The second is to build a new image to motivate and raise the day business that local wisdom-based people have such as to develop of handycraft and culinary businesses that is very different with Dolly night bussiness. Dolly's ex-prostitution community should be become proud of the new image of its area. Third, provide business training and socialization to the community. With the support of Surabaya City Government, community participation and mutual cooperation of various concerned parties, this area for the future can be more clean and beautiful and have a positive image, both physically, as well as mental and economic of its community so that the business area during the day and the community feel proud because they can minimize the negative image of the old Dolly ex-prostitution area, and run normal daily activities as commonly used by the urban community in general. Keywords: reconstruction, ex-prostitution area, daily activities and local wisdom.